17 December 2020
13:00 UK / 08:00 EST
Race, Disability and Innovation: diversity and the disability innovation movement
Disability Innovation is an expanding field. Globally the sector is looking to engage the best pioneering minds to find solutions to the biggest challenges. Innovation is driven by different perspectives, experiences and knowledge. Diversity is essential in driving forward new and dynamic approaches.
During this session we will hear voices from around the world, reflecting on their own experiences and global knowledge about the intersectionality between race and disability. From employment to entrepreneurship, education to aspiration, we'll be asking what next to make the disability innovation space more inclusive, and exploring why diversity is critical to innovation.
Paul Ntulila
Crystal Emery
The exploration of the intersection of race, disability and innovation has been explored recently by Paul Ntulila from GDI Hub, he has interviewed different black disabled innovators to understand their personal journeys and the challenges they have had in their innovation work.