World Bank: A Landscape Review of ICT for Disability-Inclusive Education
Partnering with the World Bank, GDI Hub researched and authored the ICT landscape review, exploring the use of ICT in improving the educational participation and outcomes of children with disabilities.
Local Bespoke Device Development: Nepal
Highly individual and customised needs are an area that global markets do not currently address well. This workstream is exploring the potential to support the development of local innovation ecosystems of assistive technology to address these gaps in service.
Local Systems Strengthening: Nepal
3 sub-projects
Our current workstreams in Nepal: This project is investigating the potential to strengthen local systems of AT provision and innovation to address gaps in service.
Situational Analysis of Manual Wheelchair Provision: Nepal
Based on the decisions of the Enabling Fridays Community, we are conducting a Situational Analysis of Manual wheelchair provision to inform our local actions
Enabling Fridays Community Nepal
The Enabling Fridays Community Nepal want to bring together local and global expertise working in the AT sector to identify routes that would unlock local innovation, and improve current gaps in service.
Local Systems Strengthening
1 sub-project
This project is investigating the potential to strengthen local systems of AT provision and innovation to address gaps in service. Where could more localised product and service innovation complement global supply chains to unlock more sustainable and resilient AT ecosystems ? We believe there is an opportunity to create better connections between the AT community and local manufacturers, with both newer digital and traditional fabrication expertise to enable innovation and better support for AT users beyond initial provision.
Local Production Local Solutions
Global logistics have been compromised by lockdowns and border controls across Africa and other low to middle-income countries (LMICs), leaving many businesses and citizens without key parts of their supply chain. This condition has exposed the rigid, inflexible state of production in many settings, demonstrating the need for locally resilient, flexible production ecosystems. LPLS is working to develop broader, restorative, and agile supply systems, while providing people with the life-saving health and community resources they need to face current restrictions.