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Journal Paper
The Kenyan assistive technology ecosystem: a network analysis

Emma M. Smith, Catherine Holloway

The objective of this research was to describe the assistive technology ecosystem in Kenya through descriptive information about key stakeholder organizations, and a network analysis demonstrating the nature and strength of relationships between organizations. An assistive technology ecosystem is an interconnected community of actors, including government, civil society, and the private sector who work together or in parallel to deliver assistive products and services to the people who need them. Using the network analysis, we aimed to demonstrate the degree to which key stakeholder organizations within the ecosystem did (or did not) interact, which will provide policy makers with data from which to further develop collaborations within the ecosystem

Taylor & Francis Online; 2024

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The Kenyan assistive technology ecosystem: a network analysis


Assistive technology is central to the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. However, there remains limited access to assistive technology throughout much of the world, with particularly poor access in lower- and middle-income countries. Evaluating stakeholder engagement in assistive technology networks has been used as a successful strategy to understand and address gaps in the assistive technology ecosystem.


The objective of this research was to provide an overview of the Kenyan Assistive Technology Ecosystem, including available assistive products and related services, and an understanding of the nature and strength of relationships between stakeholders


In this study, we employed an online qualitative stakeholder survey (2021) with representatives of organizations involved in assistive technology in Kenya.


The assistive technology network in Kenya is distributed, with Government Ministries and Agencies and Organizations of persons with disabilities central to the network. The strength of relationships is concentrated on awareness and communication, with fewer organizations actively collaborating. Innovation training organizations are not yet well integrated into the network.


Improving access to assistive technology in Kenya will benefit from greater collaboration amongst all assistive technology stakeholders.


The Kenyan assistive technology ecosystem: a network analysis

To cite this article:

  1. Emma M. Smith, Stephanie Huff, Rose Bukania, Bernard Chiira, Catherine Holloway & Malcolm MacLachlan (2024) The Kenyan assistive technology ecosystem: a network analysis, Global Health Action, 17:1, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2302208

The Kenyan assistive technology ecosystem: a network analysis